17.38 . söndag

i've been trying to live without you now
but i miss you, baby
the more i know, the less i understand
and all the things i thought i figured out, i have to learn again
í've been tryin' to get down to the heart of the matter
but my will gets weak
and my heart is so shattered
but i think it's about forgiveness
even if, even if you don't love me anymore.

Postat av: lucke

Hejsan, göres ikväll? :)

2010-09-26 @ 18:16:45
URL: http://modegrabben.blogg.se/
Postat av: Sandra

Kikar in.. Hur har din helg varit? :)

2010-09-26 @ 18:39:59
URL: http://sandraorrebro.blogg.se/
Postat av: moa freakin' carlberg ♥

Hej gullet! Allt bra med dig? :)

2010-09-26 @ 18:57:02
URL: http://utankontroll.blogg.se/
Postat av: Mellisaurus-[rex]

Cute :)

2010-09-26 @ 19:18:39
URL: http://mellisaur.blogg.se/
Postat av: sarah

allt bra? :)

2010-09-26 @ 19:35:09
URL: http://sarahrnic.blogg.se/

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